Why career counselling should be done by expert career counsellors?

Asked by Ankit Agrawal | 30th of March 2020

career counselling career guidance

46 Answers

Madhavi Sheth

4th of May 2021 | 2 Likes


why such question is raised? That is the most unfortunate situation.

So if we have heart ailment and want to repair our we go to carpenter?

If answer is already know why do you go to trained...counsellor for scientific,realistic,practical,feasible,unbiased solution....

Shantilal Parmar | MSW...

16th of November 2020 | 2 Likes


An expert career counsellor has ability to identify, analyse and select top most suitability options for the candidate. He haa vast area of experience to counsel the students and parents to select right career path, intitute and study methods.

Munir Damani

15th of May 2020 | 2 Likes


The core objective of career counselling is to get a clarity and affirmation on what a candidate thinks about future. This means that there is an opportunity and need for someone who can provide a perspective towards the choices a candidate envisions to make. Most imprtantly you want this perscpective to be provided by someone who is

A. Trained of the process

B. Keeps YOU (candidate) as the focus of discussion

C. Helps you gain insights about your abilities and potential

D. Wants to partner with you in your career journey with regular interventions.

Vaibhav Sharma | Post Graduate in Manageme...

25th of April 2020 | 2 Likes


Ther question that each one of us faces after important milestones in education is What next after class 10th, class 12th and even after Graduation.

Career Counselling is a common and popular term in today’s world. Career Counselling means guiding a person to make the right decision in choosing a career. Also, it is a professional term. It is based on the judgement and analysis of a few factors. These are a person’s personality, behaviour, and interests. So, a qualified career counsellor first studies a person thoroughly. Then he or she suggests the best options for him or her. Besides, there might be some psychometric tests involved. These tests help a career counsellor to understand the person’s personality.

You need an expert to understand all the above important points. So we all should go take our career counselling to get the best out of it. It is like when we get ill, we visit the doctor for advice same way career decision are to be taken with thorough understanding.





10th of June 2021 | 2 Likes


Career, is the lifetime endeavor to an individual. Once he/she chooses an option during his/her career path, there is no u-turn or un-do button to restart. Hence taking right step at each and every stages of career becomes very important, if it is supported by an expert counsellor, it defenetly brings down future regrets. An expert counsellor is one who understands the several personality and skill abilitiy parameters of an individual and at the same time they can clearly define clearly the required traits of each career options. They can help the candidate to identify inborn traits and acquired skills and abilities and to choose only those careers which better suits and take an informed decision. They can direct the candidates to move on the right career path and reach to the aspired career that can give them life satisfaction.
